Saturday, February 22, 2020

Lifelong Autistic, Recently Aware

So I'm nearly 25 and I just found out I'm autistic...kinda. I had always realized I was different but never knew why. I'm sure a lot of autistic people say this but I always thought itt was just a me thing. Then a good friend asked me if I'd every considered it. I took a quick online test, scored positively, and looked into it. Nearly every single thing I had felt self concious about was a part of it. All the little tics I tried to stop, my quirky actions, all of it was related to autism. 

Now I won't get into personal details, yet, but the essentially the misrepresentation of autism has really prevented me from getting the help and support I need. Everyone either doesn't believe autism exists or won't believe me when I say am. I'm too "high-functioning" (I'll probably write a  post about that term one day) so clearly I'm not autistic. Thus, many of the simple things in my life stick around and the neurotypical view of me remains.

Anyway if you've made it this far you've already exceeded my expectations so thanks! In the future I'll try to make stuff more condensed but there was a lot to unpack here. Feel free to post your own experiences all you like.

Question: If you are, when did you find out you were autistic?

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